Call or Text - 519 955 4998
Are you tired of all the other diets & weight loss programs you’ve tried? Hate the hassle of special food lists or quantity of diet pills to take, all the while your food cravings are controlling you? Has money gone down the drain, maybe even your self-esteem with it? Are you done carrying those extra pounds? Does the thought of working out for hours excite you? Perhaps medical problems are starting to show up? Do you feel frustrated with yourself when you can’t do it alone?
What Clients' Say

Call/text now 519 955 4998 to book your free hypnotic screening & take control of your weight. All your questions will be answered at that time. Click the “Schedule Now” button for a submission form.
Average Canadian households spend $3500 to $5000 on restaurants annually
How Much Do You Want To Lose Weight Now?
Take Action Today! Hypnosis Works!
“I enjoy listening to the audiotapes every day, I feel it does keep me on track with the exercise & healthy eating habits. Prior to starting the program, I had made up my mind I wanted to lose weight and this has been an excellent tool in assisting me to get to my goal. I am taking action, I am a great person.”*
Use hypnosis to get control of your life again.
Feel happy, claim over-eating, & safely drop some pounds for good. How does that sound? Aiming for long-term success & lasting change by changing attitudes to enjoy exercise & healthy food. Release you of your burden & create confidence in yourself. Simply see it that way.
“…with coming to hypnosis sessions I have learned that it is all within me to succeed to being thin. I have found the motivation to exercise & eat properly. The more I exercise the more I want to. I am enjoying eating healthy and seeing the results.”*
Weight loss hypnosis is best delivered to the individual by a trained professional. In-person or online sessions are both available during COVID.
Each person has different motivators, time, amount to lose, and other factors. It would be better to direct and individually motivate depending on those factors. The Master Hypnotist Society weight loss sessions provide a personal connection that teaches broad themes that include nutrition, NLP, movement, self-hypnosis, thoughts to the box, getting goals, stress release, and whatever else is required. It’s best to include at-home audios for extra support as well as group learning that can be fun and informative. Realize that purchasing or using found audios to lose weight may not address your issue or be as effective for long term weight loss like the guidance of our specialized program.
If you have ever been watching a cooking show and salivated over the food this would be a physical example of following suggestions similar to hypnosis, fixated on what you saw, delicious was suggested and you followed with your taste buds. That follow effect is similar to relaxing at a campfire or fireplace. All candidates are assessed to ensure they are able to be hypnotized at a gratuitous screening. The most popular sessions at Bruce Grey Hypnosis are for weight loss.
Just like setting your vehicle for where you are destined. Hypnosis assists you along the road. Steers you around doubt or fear. Navigates the negative thinking potholes. Using positive reinforcement, helping you create a belief of what is possible. Making failed attempts a thing of the past and shifts your thinking. Create the right mindset and look where you’re going with hypnosis today!
Hypnosis is all-natural. The only side effects are positivity, enthusiasm, and a new outlook. In cases where clients have pre-existing medical conditions, the Doctor or Health Practitioner is involved. Sometimes as the weight comes off medications need to be adjusted.
Cravings for comfort food, drinking lots of soda, or wishing life was sweeter? Chocolate haunts you, other snacks, and boxes of crackers call from the cupboards. Hypnosis helps recognize when you use food to chew through stress, think, or deal with boredom. With the positive suggestions taking over your negative thinking. Your mind shifted, full of possibility, and moving towards losing weight you no longer reach for food to soothe or comfort you. No more empty carbs or empty life.
Filling that useless feeling with a secure plan, getting back into a healthy new recipe for life, and no longer wishing life would flow better. The client is able to use examples given to them is a session to exchange the old behavior, diminish cravings, and make better choices for life!
Results Happen Here!
Our Services
Is being overweight restricting your life? Weight loss programs are natural, customized, and have lasting change. No scales, no complicated rules. Just effective weight loss.
Are you trading your health for your habit? Disgusted with how you smell? Feeling controlled by cigarettes & more? Our Hypnosis Stop Smoking program is effective, easy and natural.
Fear is one of the biggest obstacles that people face when it comes to achieving their goals. It can keep you from doing what you want in life and it can hinder your growth.
Bad habits at first glance look incredibly difficult to break, and often seem impossible to overcome. It’s common to feel like you’re at the mercy of your bad habits.
Hypnosis can help you change your mood or state of mind and give you the tools you need to be more confident in yourself. Let go of resentment and old emotions, grab a new way to do things.